A huge hunger for a tiny planet

A huge hunger for a tiny planet

Enjoying the readings of “Cloud Atlas” by David Mitchell so much that I wish for it not to end ever. It’s sad that in the most important matters, we have progressed so little or nothing at all since the 18th Century. Here’s a sample for your tasting....
The computing power that created Avatar 3D film

The computing power that created Avatar 3D film

The visual effects department at Weta comprises of some major processing power consisting of 34 racks, each with four chassis of 32 machines a piece. The combination of those machines comprises a total of 40,000 processors along with 104 terabytes of memory using 10...
Notes on Google’s Safe Browsing Advisory Monopoly

Notes on Google’s Safe Browsing Advisory Monopoly

Two nights ago my hosting company suffered a “DNS poison attack” on their DNS servers, which basically means that DNS server has received such non-authentic data and caches it for future performance increase, it is considered poisoned, supplying the...

Hurricanes and Emergency Aid by the U.N.

In my previous entry I talked about the lack of media coverage four months from the time Guatemala, El Salvador and Chiapas, Mexico were hit by Hurricane Stan. Well, I spoke too soon. Once again El Canche brings us the hottest news about Guatemala fresh from the oven....
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